Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Other Value.

It's very unfortunate that I'm growing up during a time where the world is in a crisis, a human crisis. Our only enemy is ourselves and I don't understand why few can see this. People have stopped caring. They've stopped caring about themselves, the environment and even their own kind and are mostly preoccupied with filling their wallets. Money has become more important than anything, even love and respect. People have become blind they don't see the real world anymore they see the pretend one. The one that the TV shows us where life is perfect, where boobs are perky, hair glistens, and everyone is rich. Instead of watching what you wish you had, maybe you should look around and see what others don't. Or how the earth is getting warmer, and how our water supply is decreasing, or how many people are affected by cancer. Or even just go outside and appreciate what you have! Look at the trees, the sky, smell the flowers. Maybe then people will start to see the real world instead of the pretend one in a box (or I guess a flat screen now.) Then maybe they will realize that there is more value in their life then they thought. It's not all money.

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