Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's already over.

Christmas is over. It blows my mind how much work some people put into the event and how fast it whips by.  I mean, some people spend a shit load of money and must have their homes look just perfect with all the modern decorations and kitchen pieces. Honestly, who cares. Decorations are nice, our house has a few, but there is no need to go all Christmas-Psycho and make it a "winter wonderland" in the home. It's not where you are it's who you're with! I spent my holidays with my family and friends. Nothing was super fancy, just basic and homey the way I like it.  I woke up and opened presents with the fam, then had a good breakfast and we later went to my Aunts and Uncles for a pretty awesome dinner! None of it was fancy shmancy.  I even got to see an Uncle I haven't seen in years!
As far as gifts go, I received some pretty sweet stuff like a new cell phone, a popcorn maker!, a fuzzy blanket, etc. I like to receive gifts, and I love to give them to see reactions and make others feel good! I really dislike people who only want gifts, it's not what it's about, but what the hell do I know?
I ate way too much over the holidays! But holiday food is soooo good.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Klondike Bar: What would you do?

What would you do for a Klondike Bar? Interesting question. On my way back from Sobeys I thought about this question and how the answer would depend on the weather and/or where you live.  I mean right now it's winter, and I don't think I would go out of my way for one. Now if you asked "What would you do for a Candy-Cane Hot Chocolate?" I may say "kill a man" "eat a Klondike Bar" "do a little jig." They are damn good in the winter time!
 It's different for people who live in a hot climate, they must always want one! But if they live in a warm climate....does that mean they only sort of want one? 
Who created this stupid question in the first place?? I want answers and hot chocolate! 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

First Post EVER!

Yeah it's my first actual Blog. B-L-O-G whoa crazy. I have done some journaling in the past and I now believe it's time to upgrade and share my ridiculous thoughts with whom ever wants to read them. 

There are a few things I want to get clear before I continue:
1) I AM NOT A SPELLING or GRAMMAR GENIUS! (just sayin, don't be hatin')
2) Some of my posts may have meaning, some may just be randomness
3) I use made up words
4) I think that's every thing

OK! SO! I have completed my first term/semester/half of first year/whatever of college! Woo! I am now on my holidays.  I think I have earned this break being as I had 8 funtastic exams. GO Me! During my free holiday time there are a bajillion things I wanna do and one was to start a blog. It appears as though I'm off to a good start! Bam. Hopefully I will continue to nourish this blog and not neglect it (i have a tendency to do that whoops).  I also hope that my topics will have some sort of meaning unlike my first one. which is basically me saying "look! I started a blog! Holy Eff!"