Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bordom Hurts

I've been out of school for a month or so and I'm having a terrible time trying to stay amused. I can't find a job anywhere. I'm really hoping that McDonalds hires me, I'm at the point where I don't care anymore.
I've trying to fill my time with productive things, like sewing, reading, writing, cooking, etc. I can't seem to get the ambition to do much else. What I should do is write a script and make a short film of sorts, or just make a video.
I absolutely hate sitting around all day, it hurts deep in my abdomen. I don't want to been viewed as part of the local-jobless-scum, the people that don't like to work. I like to work, I want to work. I like this thing that comes with it called "money", oh and don't forget the satisfaction of getting a paycheck.
I've also developed a really bad list making problem. I make a list of things to do during the day and try to get as many done as possible. The more I get done the better I feel about the day. It's upsetting that the only accomplishments I've been making lately are completing lists. Then again they may be big accomplishments on that list...soooo. yeah.
I would also like to announce that everyone tries dipping their chocolate chip cookie into a cup of coffee instead of milk. It is a delicious way to make your day :) and that certainly did rhyme! weee. Now this is boredom typing. But no really, try new food combos.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Other Value.

It's very unfortunate that I'm growing up during a time where the world is in a crisis, a human crisis. Our only enemy is ourselves and I don't understand why few can see this. People have stopped caring. They've stopped caring about themselves, the environment and even their own kind and are mostly preoccupied with filling their wallets. Money has become more important than anything, even love and respect. People have become blind they don't see the real world anymore they see the pretend one. The one that the TV shows us where life is perfect, where boobs are perky, hair glistens, and everyone is rich. Instead of watching what you wish you had, maybe you should look around and see what others don't. Or how the earth is getting warmer, and how our water supply is decreasing, or how many people are affected by cancer. Or even just go outside and appreciate what you have! Look at the trees, the sky, smell the flowers. Maybe then people will start to see the real world instead of the pretend one in a box (or I guess a flat screen now.) Then maybe they will realize that there is more value in their life then they thought. It's not all money.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Ok, so clearly I'm lame-core to the extreme. Why? Firstly: I used the word "lame-core" in a sentence, and secondly: I always start something and never keep going with it. I thought this blog thing would be a swell idea, until I forgot it existed. Well, I'm back-in-business (yeah i'm cool shit) for the time being. Hopefully, I will be writing for others as well as for myself as time progresses!
So what's fun I can write about? My wisdom teeth were fun. Yes. Apparently for a girl my size I had rather large wisdom teeth and they seemed to be rather fond of me. They didnt' want to come out. A procedure that takes normally takes about an hour took almost 2 for me. I was awake the whole time....but all crazy on that nitrous oxide or whatever they give you. Everything was funny. A fuzzy floated by and it was funny, the light was funny, I almost started belly laughing a few times...but saved myself. It started off ok, then I heard a great cracking sound. Turns out he had to break my teeth to get them out. Worst sound EVER. Then, while pulling one of the top ones out, the freezing wore off. Now, I can remember everything that happened...but I'm having a hard time with remembering what exactly I was doing. I'm pretty sure when this happened I began to produce a sound with my throat not many had heard before, and I think a few tears escaped. By the time it was all done, I was a sore, swollen, drugged girl. I could hardly walk. Although it was rough, all is well. It had to be done and that's all there is to it. I'm sure there are others who have had to go through much worse. I'm just happy we only get one set of wisdom teeth.