All this draws me to one conclusion: I love Horror.
The only problem is finding decent horror movies. I watched the new Friday the 13th movie, and it was lammme, White Noise was stupid, The Grudge was also stupid, Boogeyman was ok...could have been better, but all-in-all I've been very disappointed in the most recent Horror flicks I've seen. However! Diary of the Dead was really good, not really that scary, but good non the less.
So. I've decided that I'm going to go on a hunt in order to find movies that contain actual HORROR. It will a battle I'm sure but I will go to the bowels of the 5.99 movie bin if need be and I will not give up till I find real horror!
So far the only movie I can recommend that I actually found kinda scary was The Exorcist. Some will say it's lame, or corny, but personally if you really think about the idea of possession being real, and a story like that actually happening (which you never know) it gives the film a whole new respect. Also, the story line is pretty solid. Even though how she got possessed in the first place is a little lost (she was playing with a Ouija board which can, according to some in the paranormal business, be dangerous. It can put you in contact with demons and such, and has been said to lead to possession). I find the idea of trying to defeat something that has no form, no visual weakness, something that psychological weapons instead of physical ones to be terrifying. How do you go about defeating something like that?